Lead with Love: A Divine Force
In the quiet of late-night calls with my sisters, love, grace, and compassion flow between us like an unbroken melody. These moments are not just conversations; they are echoes of something greater, whispers from the Divine, pulling me deeper into the truth that love is the beginning, the middle, and the end of it all.
What is God showing me? What is love calling me to understand?
This morning, in stillness, my spirit wandered to the place where my love was most tested — my mother. I used to think I was naive for holding onto love that was never returned the way I longed for. Time and time again, I gave her my trust, my grace. I did not force her to stay — I could not. But I stayed. I believed. I hoped. I carried a love so pure, so unconditional, that I prayed one day she would see that she didn’t have to earn it. She only had to receive it.
For a long time, I confused my love for weakness. My father’s words still ring in my ears: “You crying about someone who don’t give a fuck about you.” I was eighteen, on the cusp of womanhood, preparing for prom, craving my mother’s presence. And once again, she let me down. My father, trying to protect me from more heartbreak, spoke from his own wounds. But those words didn’t shield me — they shattered something in me. If my own father believed she didn’t love me, then what was I even fighting for? That day, I tucked my softness away, buried it deep where no one could reach. Love, I told myself, was a losing game. And I refused to lose anymore.
But life — oh, life — has a way of unearthing what we thought was lost. Love is not weakness. Love is not a game. Love is the only answer. Without it, we are just shadows of who we’re meant to be. Without it, we wither under the weight of this world.
For years, I carried a heaviness I could not name, a blockage in my spirit that kept joy at arm’s length. I learned how to survive, how to be tough — but I had not learned how to truly live.
My sister-friend has been pushing me, reminding me of the woman I am becoming — the woman whose love is so fierce, so unshakable, that even the hardest hearts must surrender before it. Love is the revolution. Love is the healing. Love is the only way forward.
We are all walking different roads, carrying different wounds. Some of us never learned how to give or receive love. But love doesn’t ask if we are ready — it simply shows up. It moves through us, breaking down walls, softening edges, making room for something greater than we’ve ever known.
To the little girl inside me — Kamerie, the one who never stopped loving, even when love was not returned the way she needed — I honor you. Your love was never foolish; it was sacred. It was the kind of love that changes lives, the kind of love that heals generations.
For too long, I searched outside myself, not realizing I am love. A well that never runs dry. And so, today, I surrender. I release the pain, the fear, the belief that love makes me vulnerable. I refuse to let this world tell me that love is weak. Instead, I stand in the truth that love is the greatest strength of all. And to those who have been taught otherwise, I say this: You are love. Love has never left you. Return home to it.
When all is said and done, let it be known that I chose love. That I poured it into every space I touched. That I did not allow this world to make me hard. Leading with love is my power. Love is my legacy.
May we all walk in it. May we all be it.
And so it is.
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