Beliefs I let go of on my 24th birthday
I turned 24 years old on Saturday. I tried not to sit with this new reality of mine for too long. I could already feel the external pressures of Society suffocating me.
Despite the world’s opinion, I am a woman now. Turning 24 solidified that for me. Lately, I have been sifting through multiple internal and spiritual conflicts.
Unlike the years before, this time, I am truly letting go. I choose to let go of the need to always be in control or have everything in order all of the time. I have abandoned the desire to be well-liked and socially accepted by everyone that I encounter.
As a woman, I no longer blame anyone for their shortcomings without first taking accountability for my own. I am letting go of self-destructive behavior and toxic cycles of emotional avoidance and impulsivity. There are no urges inside of me to prove my independence, intelligence, creativity, strength, skills, ladylikeness, or worth to anyone. I am enough just as I am.
I am letting go of what Society told me how a woman should carry herself. Since I am a woman, how I choose to move will be a woman’s movement — period. I set the stage for my own life. There is power in that. I have let go of expectations from others outside of God and myself. To behave otherwise would only breed unnecessary disappointment.
At 24 years old, I feel strong, as though the foundation that I have created for my life is ready for me to hit the ground running. The timing could not have been more perfect. Finally, I feel a lot more prepared for the world and less lost, as I once was.