Chapter 27: Embracing a New Year
This is a photo of me standing atop of the San Gabriel Mountains. The Angeles Forest Freeway is one of the dangerous highways in California because of how narrow it is and the one many sharp turns. Oh yeah and if you have a fear of heights, you better not to look too far down on your left or right. I chose to take this route home because of the beautiful views of course but also because it was off-routine and that was just what I wanted. I wanted to be challenged and I wanted to be with God in a different way.
Upon reaching a safe place to stop, I wrote the number 27 in the dirt. More life!!!
I am entering into my “late twenties”. I feel amazing…
I am grateful more than anything.
Being 26 was cool and I learned some really tough lessons but I am here now. I am crossing the that threshold. I have wisdom from the other years.
At 26 years old going on 27 I feel a whole lot sure of myself this time around. I am a lot less overreactive to my emotions and situations.
I am more confident in taking up space in the world. I feel a lot more like a woman these days. I am aware of my cycles and nature’s unspoken relationship with my mind, body and soul.
I love what I have been able to contribute to this planet from my small life.
I have grown so much. I could have died last year!
I understand that depression is natural. I understand that it is only life that I experience a range of emotions.
Oh yeah… I love being an Aquarius!
Anyways, below are 27 lessons learned.
- Everyone is kinda strange.
- All people of all cultures are similar more than different.
- Human race is the only race.
- We all have man and woman in us, both feminine and masculine energy in us.
- Humans are not meant to be judged by other humans but something greater.
- Earth is pretty scary and fascinating.
- It is okay to be sad.
- It is okay to cry.
- Don’t take anything personal.
- Make your economic situation a priority in your life.
- Tell people you love that you love them.
- Do it even if it scares you.
- Keep it simple.
- If it feel off then it probably is.
- It is ok to start over.
- Social media is addictive.
- Love is self love.
- I may not want to be a parent and thats ok.
- Parents are humans so take it as you will.
- Get therapy and get to know yourself.
- Do not be attached anything outside of yourself.
- Cellular oppression is the war we are up against
- Cooking at home tastes better than fast food.
- You can change your life in as little as 6 months to a year.
- Being single is an opportunity to learn yourself and to become happy with yourself no matter who is around or not.
- Death is not a thing in the sense that we have been taught to accept it. Nothing truly dies, it takes a new form.
- Saying “I’m sorry” or “I apologize” would save a lot of precious relationships.
I really wanted to write this article to document my feelings and thoughts during this shift in my life.
Another thing; there’s this folklore in the music industry called “The 27 Club”. To make it this far as someone who struggled with depression and suicide ideation I am proud to say that I have found a lot more effective ways to cope with my feelings.
During my 26th year of life, I spent a lot of time on my career and in business. I am so proud of what I was able to accomplish.
27 few things that I am most proud of are:
- Establishing my brand online.
- Maintaining my podcast and my socials.
- Getting verified online.
- Making money from consulting as an educator.
- Hosting Pave Your Own Lane for a second year on campus.
- Being a teacher.
- Moving to Atlanta.
- Driving across country 3 times by myself.
- Expanding my network.
- Organizing my brand photoshoot.
- Obtaining my life insurance license and the knowledge that comes with being in the field.
- Attending the Earn Your Leisure Fest.
- Maintaining my weight.
- Eating more fruit and veggies, less meat.
- Making time for Born Guilty.
- Letting go of past friendships and relationships that no longer serve me.
- Investing in a life coach.
- Investing in public speaking.
- Standing up for myself in uncertain situations and to bullies.
- Working hard and honestly in my profession.
- Making time for others to be heard and seen.
- Forgiving my past mistakes.
- Making it work in LA having to live at the random places for work proximity.
- Being more in tune with mother nature.
- Facing my fears.
- Going after my dreams boldly.
- Admitting when I don’t know and making the adjustments.
For anyone else who is turning another year, Happy Birthday! Be present, be love and be grateful.